In this exercise, we review different types of compiled binaries and the structure of debugging information in binary programs, and we will learn how debuggers use this information.
A binary file is a compiled file from a source code that contains machine code. A binary file has different types, such as executable, object file, etc. In the next section, we discuss different types of binary files.
Binary program files have different types. The type of binary file is stored in the header section of the binary. This section introduces three different types of binary files, including object files, executable, and dynamic shared library.
An object file is a compiled file that contains machine code. For instance, imagine that a program source code consists of two source files, such as file1.c and file2.c. The compiler first compiles each file separately and creates two files, file1.o and file2.o, which are called object files or relocatable files. An object file is not executable. This type of binary has a signature "ET_REL" in the binary header. In the later part of the compilation phase, the linker links these two files and any system libraries to make an executable file. After the linking phase, the output is an executable file, and we can run it. The type of output binary of this phase is executable type. This binary type has a signature "ET_EXEC" in the binary header. Another binary type is dynamic shared library which has a signature "ET_DYN" in the header file. The only difference between a dynamic shared library and an executable is that the library does not have an entry point, while an executable has. The entry point is a location in memory that defines where a compiled program starts to be executed (e.g., main function in the program).
The following code shows how to detect the type of binary. In order to run the code, we first need to install pyelftools, which is a parser for elf binaries. In your experiment pyelftools are already installed. Below you can see analysis code we will use. You can also access this code on your analysis node, in /tmp/analysis directory. Change the 'path to binary' to point to binary1.out on your disk (also in /tmp/analysis directory).
from elftools.elf.elffile import ELFFile
filename = 'path to binary'
with open(filename, 'rb') as file:
elffile = ELFFile(file)
elf_type = elffile.header.e_type
When you type:
python3 script1.pyyou should see "ET_DYN", which indicates that binary1.out is a dynamic shared library.
When we compile a binary from the source code, we can compile it with the debug information (e.g., by supplying -g flag to gcc or g++). If debug information is present, you are able to extract more information about binary, such as mapping between source code line and memory offsets. In this exercise, we are focusing on ELF executable file format, which is an executable format in Linux binaries. The debugging information in Linux binaries is called "dwarf". the dwarf has 12 different sections, but we only focus on two debug sections, including debug info and debug_line sections.
If you compile your binary with the -g command option, the binary will be compiled with debug information. If you want to analyze whether your binary file contains debug information or not, you can use the following command.
file binary_file
If the binary file is compiled with debug information, you will see this result.
“with debug_info, not stripped”For example, you will see this for binary1.out.
Now, we will dive into the details of two debug sections, debug_info, and debug_line section. Debug_info section contains global variables, functions, and its corresponding local variables information. Debug_line section contains the information about mapping between source code lines and memory addresses.
Debug_info is a tree structure in a binary. The main component of this structure is called Debugging Information Entry or DIE. Each DIE has a tag, type, and set of attributes. You can use different tools to print out the dwarf info of a binary. One of these tools is objdump.
objdump --dwarf=info binary_file
The first DIE in the output of this command is the "compilation unit". As we previously mentioned, a source code can be split into different files. When the linker links the object files (created from these source files) to create an executable file, we have a unit in the binary level, corresponding to each source file, which is called the compilation unit. In the debug info section, each compilation unit has a DIE with the tag "DW_TAG_compile_unit". In the tree structure of a DIEs, the compilation unit is a root. If you look at the output of the command above for the binary binary1.out, you will see that binary1.out has two compilation units.
Each source file may have several functions. In the tree structure of the debug info section, each function is a child of a compilation unit in which it was defined. In this structure, each function is defined with a tag DW_TAG_subprogram. In the picture below, you can see the structure of a DIE corresponding to a function.
Each DIE has some attributes. The DW_AT_name can define the function name. In the example below, "badsink" is the name of the function. Each function can have some parameters and local variables. In the debug info structure, function arguments and local variables are defined with "DW_TAG_formal_parameter" and "DW_TAG_variable" tags, respectively.
Now we give a short script to extract the name of functions in the dwarf info section. You can access the code on analysis node in /tmp/analysis folder. The code is
This code will print the name of the functions in binary1.out, which have a "DW_TAG_subprogram" tag.
This code prints the name of a function. If in the main function you print the type of die you will see it is an object of class 'elftools.dwarf.die.DIE'. If in pyelftools repository you look at DIE class attributes, you will see that DIE has an attribute "tag" which defines the tag of a DIE and attributes. Then if you ask for the value of the attribute ('DW_AT_name') you can see the name of the function.
Running this code with binary1.out should produce the following output:python3 binary1.out Found a compile unit at offset 0, length 1045 Found a compile unit at offset 1049, length 1058 CWE121_Stack_Based_Buffer_Overflow__CWE129_rand_51b_badSink main CWE121_Stack_Based_Buffer_Overflow__CWE129_rand_51_bad
One of the other sections in debug information is the debug_line section. This section contains the mapping between a source code line and memory offset in the binary code. In other words, it contains information about which assembly instructions correspond to which source code lines. The debug_line section contains all the compilation units, and for each compilation unit, it contains the mapping between a source code line and memory offsets. We first analyze this information using objdump. If you run this command in the terminal for binary1.out, you will see the output shown below.
objdump --dwarf=decodedline binary1.out binary1.out: file format elf64-x86-64 Contents of the .debug_line section: CU: ./CWE121_Stack_Based_Buffer_Overflow__CWE129_rand_51b.c: File name Line number Starting address View _Buffer_Overflow__CWE129_rand_51b.c 23 0x13a9 _Buffer_Overflow__CWE129_rand_51b.c 23 0x13b8 _Buffer_Overflow__CWE129_rand_51b.c 26 0x13c7 _Buffer_Overflow__CWE129_rand_51b.c 29 0x13ef _Buffer_Overflow__CWE129_rand_51b.c 31 0x13f5 _Buffer_Overflow__CWE129_rand_51b.c 33 0x1402 _Buffer_Overflow__CWE129_rand_51b.c 33 0x1409 _Buffer_Overflow__CWE129_rand_51b.c 35 0x140b _Buffer_Overflow__CWE129_rand_51b.c 33 0x141b _Buffer_Overflow__CWE129_rand_51b.c 33 0x141f _Buffer_Overflow__CWE129_rand_51b.c 43 0x1425 _Buffer_Overflow__CWE129_rand_51b.c 40 0x1427 _Buffer_Overflow__CWE129_rand_51b.c 43 0x1433 _Buffer_Overflow__CWE129_rand_51b.c 43 0x144a CU: ./CWE121_Stack_Based_Buffer_Overflow__CWE129_rand_51a.c: File name Line number Starting address View _Buffer_Overflow__CWE129_rand_51a.c 26 0x144a _Buffer_Overflow__CWE129_rand_51a.c 29 0x1457 _Buffer_Overflow__CWE129_rand_51a.c 31 0x145e _Buffer_Overflow__CWE129_rand_51a.c 31 0x146a _Buffer_Overflow__CWE129_rand_51a.c 31 0x1487 _Buffer_Overflow__CWE129_rand_51a.c 31 0x14a4 _Buffer_Overflow__CWE129_rand_51a.c 32 0x14a7 _Buffer_Overflow__CWE129_rand_51a.c 33 0x14b1 _Buffer_Overflow__CWE129_rand_51a.c 82 0x14b9 _Buffer_Overflow__CWE129_rand_51a.c 84 0x14cc _Buffer_Overflow__CWE129_rand_51a.c 84 0x14d6 _Buffer_Overflow__CWE129_rand_51a.c 91 0x14dd _Buffer_Overflow__CWE129_rand_51a.c 92 0x14e9 _Buffer_Overflow__CWE129_rand_51a.c 93 0x14f3 _Buffer_Overflow__CWE129_rand_51a.c 95 0x14ff _Buffer_Overflow__CWE129_rand_51a.c 96 0x1504 _Buffer_Overflow__CWE129_rand_51a.c 96 0x1506
Since a binary may contain different compilation units, you should first determine which source line number belongs to which function. Once you have the function name, you can easily extract the compilation unit of this function from a DIE in the dwarf info section, and then you can explore its memory locations.
The code below extracts the mapping between source code and memory offsets for each compilation unit. You can access the code on your analysis node in /tmp/analysis/ folder. The code is
import argparse
from elftools.elf.elffile import ELFFile
def debug_line(binary_file):
lines_offsets = {}
with open(binary_file, 'rb') as file:
elffile = ELFFile(file)
if not elffile.has_dwarf_info():
print(' file has no DWARF info')
dwarfinfo = elffile.get_dwarf_info()
for CU in dwarfinfo.iter_CUs():
lines_program = []
cu_die = CU.get_top_DIE()
cu_name = cu_die.attributes['DW_AT_name'].value.decode()
lines = dwarfinfo.line_program_for_CU(CU)
debugsec_lines = lines.get_entries()
for line in debugsec_lines:
if line.state is not None:
lines_offsets[cu_name] = lines_program
return lines_offsets
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('binary', help='path to binary folder')
parser.add_argument('line_number', help='cu')
args = parser.parse_args()
binary_file = args.binary
lines_offsets = debug_line(binary_file)
When you run it you should see the output like below:
python3 binary1.out
{'CWE121_Stack_Based_Buffer_Overflow__CWE129_rand_51b.c': [(23, '0x13a9'), (23, '0x13b8'), (26, '0x13c7'), (29, '0x13ef'), (31, '0x13f5'), (33, '0x1402'), (33, '0x1409'), (35, '0x140b'), (33, '0x141b'), (33, '0x141f'), (43, '0x1425'), (40, '0x1427'), (43, '0x1433'), (43, '0x144a')], 'CWE121_Stack_Based_Buffer_Overflow__CWE129_rand_51a.c': [(26, '0x144a'), (29, '0x1457'), (31, '0x145e'), (31, '0x146a'), (31, '0x1487'), (31, '0x14a4'), (32, '0x14a7'), (33, '0x14b1'), (82, '0x14b9'), (84, '0x14cc'), (84, '0x14d6'), (91, '0x14dd'), (92, '0x14e9'), (93, '0x14f3'), (95, '0x14ff'), (96, '0x1504'), (96, '0x1506')]}